Monday, March 31, 2008

Shining Stars

I know, you're all anxiously awaiting a little dose of Sloan! Well, here she is. Let's talk dance. Sloan has been involved in a dance group called the "Shining Stars" for two years now. She's come a long way from that 4yr old who I'd question taking out in public because of the contstant bum shaking! :) She's now learned to fine tune all of that energy and dances with 30+ other girls - modern, jazz & hip-hop. Recently, they competed at the annual Leander Dance competition and placed well! Thankfully the director understands and motivates the self esteem and positive energy we want all our girls to ooze of. Even though the girls contest and perform, it appears that the Mother's in general are not psychotic, nor do they push their girls to that crazy edge of competitition! (even though it is a bit hurried prior to show time) As Sloan's Mom, I relish in the laid back, let's have fun attitude that the Shining Stars generates. I mean, come on...look at Sloan's smile. That says it all!

Feel free to check out the Shining Stars link:


Unknown said...

Hello my dear friend,

I am so excited to see that you started writing a blog!! What a great idea to keep up with frinds and family with our busy lives!! I will for sure keep checking this to see all the updates with you and your beautiful daugter!!

Have a great day!! And keep posting!!


Unknown said...

Hey Kiddo, she is getting big, much like Chance, who is sporting a cast on his first broken bone. Victoria would love to hang with Sloan, its dance dance dance 24/7 with her, she is practicing for her flutterfly role in Thumbalina this spring. We miss you and hope to see you for more than 2 min on your next trip north.

Linne Haywood said...

Hey sis, love the blog and am excited about the pictures. OMG, she is the cutest girl ever. Looks like you so much. I'm telling you the power of the cute kid on a blog is not to be underestimated!
