Friday, March 28, 2008

1st day of the blog

An Alaskan at heart, I currently reside, explore & breathe in Austin, Texas. About 4,000 miles from where I grew up, I'm now in Commercial Closing, have a gorgeous & kind hearted 9 year old daughter and continue to love life and explore all things. The South isn't really all that different from the North! (Well maybe a little) I still hike, mountain bike and camp although the frigid winters and skiing have been replaced with hot sun and lake adventures. Like many I've wanted to start a blog and now seems like the perfect time to share. My interests and modes of communication are varied, so I expect some surprises here. I may ramble, write about Meadow, Hannah, Kelli & our innocent discretions, share a poem or post some pictures of Sloan and our recent shananigans or travels. Truly ~ our lives are full and I can't wait to share!

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