Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Reward, as I see it...

In approximately 20 days, Sloan and I will embark on a 2300 mile journey from Austin, Texas to Seattle, Washington.  This will no doubt be a road trip like none other because we're relocating, leaving, exiting the Lone Star State for greener pastures.  When people ask "Why?" my favorite and most precise response is, "For Love!"  And that is the truth.    

After 7 years in the Capitol of Texas, we head to the Pacific Northwest in our medium sized SUV, with hitch and trailer attached.  I've had many suggest selling my possessions and starting over, but with age I've become attached.  To my hand crafted bookshelf built by Dave Laird, that 13 year old dining set purchased in Alaska and the four antique ice cream chairs found at some random antique store for $200.00.  I don't have 15,000 pounds of belongings, but what I do have means something to me.        

So with our limited time in Austin, we now immerse ourselves amongst our favorite friends, places and things, holding this city dear to our hearts.  In the same breath we look forward to our future and all its possibilities.  To create a family and to share a love that is true, kind and real with not just my lover and friend, but with our children, is the reward...



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